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Towards the Metaphysical Truth

16.05.2020 - 16.08.2020

Towards the Metaphysical Truth / 16.05.2020 - 16.08.2020

About the e-exhibition project

In the era of the pandemic and restrictions imposed in connection with it public access to art was severely limited and, in consequence, many cultural events were cancelled. One of them was Wrocław Night of Museums 2020 planned for 16 May (now moved to autumn). Like every year, the City Gallery was also to be involved in this event. Thus, we invite you to a special virtual event, to be premiered on the 16th of May. The e-exhibition titled “Towards the Metaphysical Truth” will be made available as a virtual walk at 6:00 PM that day.

The IDEA behind the e-exhibition

“Towards the Metaphysical Truth” display juxtaposes paintings by Mariusz Mikołajek and Natalia Rybka, i.e. two artists who, through their art, speak about experiencing a deep bond with God. Interestingly, they use a completely different painting language and reach for different representation motives to do that.
Mikołajek’s art, which evokes acting at the intersection of intuition and chance, originates from reflection on the painterly gesture and the need to scrutinise the painting matter. Rybka’s artistic practice, on the other hand, focuses on realistic reconstruction of fragments of reality. It has a contemplative, even meditative element. By transposing the themes derived from the Bible onto the canvas and confronting them with everyday human problems Mikołajek emphasises the metaphysical dimension of humanity. Meanwhile, through her forest compositions Rybka accentuates the perfect integrity of man and nature, searching for features of a personal God and thus delving into His silent presence.

The exhibition of Mikołajek and Rybka is also an attempt to grasp the intergenerational dialogue on spirituality and the strategy to present it in artistic creation.

The exhibition is curated by Katarzyna Zahorska.

Author of the virtual walk: Jan Mikołajek (P. P Pax Productions)

view the e-exhibition:

Galeria Miejska we Wrocławiu
ul. Kiełbaśnicza 28
50-109 Wrocław

(71) 344 67 20

Kule - projekt Lech Twardowski, wykonanie Wiesław Waszkiewicz
Logotyp - Marta Płonka