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Elevator of art

07.07.2017 - 19.08.2017

Elevator of art / 07.07.2017 - 19.08.2017

The “Elevator of Art” exhibition, organized by The City Gallery in Wroclaw is a proof of the existence of a specific cultural landscape of Krkonose region.

The main purpose of the art show is to present a diversity and cohesion of a multicultural artistic circle, formed by group of artists, who for the last decades were closely related with Jelenia Góra Valley. The region, that has been struggling with a title of a southwestern province of Poland, where still however existing traces of different cultures, strongly affecting on native artists.
The exhibition includes works of fourteen authors, representing attitudes specific for a few generations of artists. Starting with an interest in geometric abstraction, through surrealism and realism, to the new media with their unlimited creation potential. One of the exhibition leading criterion, proposed by the curator is an idea of oikophilia – interpret as a love of home or in general love of region, country, civilization. This feeling assumes relationship with environment and community, and is similar to friendship.

Since the beginning of 20th century, despite stormly historical events, changing fashions or artistic and philosophical trends, Jelenia Góra Valley was the place where local artists settled in, formed artistic colonies and determined theirs artistic activity by the emotional attachment to the place. Despite appearances, that kind of artistic community and collaboration formed by different aesthetics and artistic perspectives is not very common nowadays. Moreover, inside this group presentation, as in matrioshka’s, appears another artistic family (not the only one in the Valley), which members subsequently reveals theirs individual, artistic attitudes.

“Elevator of Art” exhibition is an affirmation of the diversity and multiformity of artistic exploration and selection, which – as in the lens – focuses in itself the artistic milieu of the Krkonose region.

Urszula Broll, Teresa Kępowiecz, Paweł Trybalski, Dariusz Miliński, Beata Kornicka-Konecka, Matylda Konecka, Janusz Konecki, Katarzyna Szumska, Zbigniew Szumski, Stanisław Szumski, Małgorzata Amarowicz, Grzegorz Łoznikow, Bogumiła Twardowska-Rogacewicz, Zbigniew Frączkiewicz

Video from the opening:

Photos from the opening:

Partners and media partners:

Galeria Miejska we Wrocławiu
ul. Kiełbaśnicza 28
50-109 Wrocław

(71) 344 67 20

Kule - projekt Lech Twardowski, wykonanie Wiesław Waszkiewicz
Logotyp - Marta Płonka